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The technical information that should be presented in a Facilities Plan includes the following:

  • Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.

    The applicant should briefly state the problem, summarize a minimum of four (4) alternatives including the "No Action" alternative, and identify the chosen alternative/solution.

  • Purpose and Need.

    The applicant should discuss how the proposed expansion or upgrade of the existing facilities could reduce pollution, restore surface or groundwater use, improve the public´s health, and/or accommodate a reasonable projection of increased flows.

  • General Information.

  • Effluent Limitations.

    The applicant should discuss the existing effluent limitations for each surface water discharge alternative with regard to concentrations and mass limits. New or revised effluent planning limits issued by the Division of Water Pollution Control should also be identified. If a project has the potential for groundwater recharge, present and future groundwater uses, applicable groundwater regulations, and a monitoring program must be discussed. An evaluation of potential impacts to the water supply at the proposed discharge point(s) must also be included.

  • Existing Wastewater Flows and Treatment System Performance.

    The applicant should discuss the location of all treatment plants, pump stations, sludge management sites, pretreatment facilities, collection systems, and all bypasses and overflows. Additional items to be discussed are design capacities, existing flows, wastes characteristics, overload conditions, major industrial discharge descriptions and locations, significantly developed areas served by onsite systems, an analysis of average, peak, and wet weather flows, the existence and extent of combined sewers, documentation of problems with onsite systems, treatment plant performance compared to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, and the facility´s Operation and Maintenance (O&M) program.

  • Achievable Existing Optimum Performance Level.

    The applicant should discuss the achievable optimum performance level possible with the existing facilities and process design, the age(s) and reliability of existing equipment and the respective remaining useful lives, the need for additional operating controls and laboratory facilities to monitor and improve operations, possible process modifications, the effectiveness and suitability of existing onsite treatment systems, and possible modifications for improving the performance of existing facilities through public education and public management.

  • Onsite Systems.

    If onsite systems are currently in use, the applicant should investigate the systems and how they are functioning including identification of the number, type, and location of the onsite systems and an analysis of the reasons for failures of the onsite systems. For unsewered areas of communities with a population of 10,000 or less, the applicant must should investigate the feasibility, if any, of using onsite systems.

  • Infiltration and Inflow.

    The applicant should discuss documented infiltration and inflow (I/I) into the existing collection system and a plan of action for removing I/I in each basin or sub-basin based upon a completed analysis of the collection system. Cost estimates, projected results, and a realistic schedule for I/I removal should also be provided.

  • Future Conditions.

  • Planning Period.

    The applicant should discuss the planning period including future conditions and projected needs for the subsequent 20 years. If construction is anticipated to proceed in planned phases or stages, a schedule and financing plan for the facility construction during subsequent stages must be developed. The discussion should assess whether the proposed plan will provide adequate capacity for the projected wastewater treatment needs during the 20-year planning period.

  • Existing and Projected Population and Facility Conditions.

    The applicant should provide an evaluation of existing and projected wastewater flows, population figures, and percent of the population with sewer lines both within and outside the city for the 20-year planning period, the planning area excluding the city, the total planning area, and the reasonableness of the projections. Components of existing and projected flow data should be discussed by domestic, commercial, industrial, infiltration, and inflow categories. The evaluation of existing wastewater flows should be based upon the analysis of available water supply or wastewater flow records. The forecast of flow and waste load, including the estimation of residential future flows, must be based upon the analysis of available water supply or wastewater flow records. The table below must be completed and provided to summarize this information.



Existing (2000)

Projected (2020)

City of _____________

% Sewered





Planning Area Excluding City of ____________


% Sewered 





Total Planning Area

% Sewered 




Flows in gallons per day (gpd)






Inflow (during rainfall events)





# #
  • Development of Four Alternatives

    A minimum of three viable alternatives in addition to a "No Action" alternative must be developed. The discussion of the three viable alternatives should include a detailed description of the alternatives, a monetary evaluation of the alternatives based upon their cost-effectiveness over the 20-year planning period, present worth, useful life, planned staging of construction (if applicable), salvage value, replacement costs, capital costs, O&M costs, interest during construction, environmental impacts, engineering feasibility, implementability (Inter-municipal Agreements, regulatory requirements, and potential mitigation requirements relative to sensitive environmental flora, fauna, or locations), sound reasons for rejected alternatives not considered worthy for further analysis, and identification of the chosen alternative. Substantiated reasoning and discussion should also be provided for the rejection of the "No Action" alternative.

  • Sludge Treatment and Disposal.

    The applicant should provide an evaluation of sludge treatment and disposal alternatives with appropriate consideration being given to the size and location of the project, recycling and reclamation, and compliance with regulatory requirements regarding sludge treatment and disposal methods.

  • Engineering Evaluation

    An engineering evaluation of the principal alternatives including reliability, revenue generating applications (if applicable), reduction or recovery of energy (if applicable), reuse of treated wastewater, and process complexity must be provided.

  • Relevant Design Parameters

    Relevant design parameters for all major system components of the selected alternatives should be considered. Selected alternatives should be evaluated with respect to compliance with Tennessee´s Design Criteria for Sewage Works and whether the selected process and design are capable of meeting the effluent planning limits or new/revised NPDES Permit limits.

  • Selected Plan Description

    Substantiated reasoning, a detailed description, and discussion should be provided in support of the chosen alternative.

  • Public Participation

    Documentation of public participation must be provided in accordance with Clean Water State Revolving Fund public participation requirements. Public participation documentation must include a complete copy of the Public Meeting transcript, a copy of the published advertisement, and a Publisher´s Affidavit as proof of the advertisement. The public participation documentation must demonstrate the public´s awareness of the planned project including current user fees and the amount of any required increase(s) to the current user fees.

  • Inter-municipal Agreements

    Draft copies of all Inter-municipal Agreements (IMAs) required to implement the proposed project and Authorizing Resolutions from the municipalities obligated in the IMAs must be provided to the State Revolving Fund Loan Program.

  • Project Costs.

    The applicant should provide a detailed estimate of project construction costs, overall project costs, proposed financing, projected operating costs, and the user charge structure.

For more information please call 615-532-0445 or visit the
State Revolving Fund Loan Program Contact Page.