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Mission Statement:

To conduct activities that lead to the reduction of levels of radon in buildings such that radon levels in buildings are as free of radon as the ambient air outside of buildings

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation operates a statewide indoor radon abatement program as a part of the Office of Environmental Assistance. When the issue of radon first gained national attention in the early eighties, Tennessee immediately responded by establishing this statewide program. Originally, the function of the program was to educate, assist, and conduct outreach on the health hazard of radon and the various issues associated with that hazard. That was over fifteen years ago and the program's function has changed and expanded considerably.

Today the radon program is still a statewide program. Outreach, education and assistance are still our primary functions. In addition, the program sponsors and conducts consistent and professional radon training in the areas of measurement, mitigation, schools testing and mitigation. It conducts scientific research on radon in Tennessee and how it relates to geology.

We offer a myriad of services from assistance to the home owner wanting to test his home to the university with questions, to targeted audiences such as real estate professionals, home builders, building codes officials, home inspectors, school officials, and others. Our commitment is strong, our message important to all of Tennessee, and it is simple. TEST FOR RADON.

Radon is a serious problem in Tennessee and every home should be tested. There are no exceptions! When you consider the health risk associated with radon and the fact that each year radon related lung cancer kills approximately 20,000 people, the significance of this information and action is clear. TEST FOR RADON TODAY.

More information about radon is contained in EPA's booklet A Citizens Guide To Radon.Exit the TDEC web site