Red Fox
- Average weight 7.5-15 lbs.
- Primarily nocturnal.
- Prefer a mixture of forest and open country, frequently hunts the edges of
these open habitats.
- Eats rabbits, rodents, reptiles, insects, berries and fruit.
- The white tip on the tail distinguishes the red fox from the gray fox.
- Has moderately long legs that are typically black.
- Its coat is a light orange red and can have a silver or black tint.
- Average of 4-9 pups are born.
- Learn to hunt at three months.
- During breeding season (January and February) foxes can be heard barking at
night announcing their presence.
- Den in abandoned groundhog burrows, hollow log or rock crevice.
- The mother and father both supply solid food to the pups until they are
- Are susceptible to fleas, ticks, worms and red foxes are particularly at risk
to sarcoptic mange.
- Distemper and rabies
strike fox populations.