With most of the 195,000 ponds and small lakes in the state being private, you must obtain
permission from the owner to fish these bodies of water. Ask permission in advance, not at
last minute. Visit the landowner in person at a convenient time, rather than a phone call.
allows the landowner to see you and makes it easier to get permission. Go by yourself or
your child when asking. If permission is obtained, be sure to follow all requests the owner
ask of you. Some pond owners may allow some fish harvest while others allow catch and
only. Do not leave any trash; leave it cleaner than you found it. If you happen to catch
some fish,
offer part or all of them to the owner, preferably cleaned. Offer to return their favor by
For example, offer to help fix a broken fence or gate. Don't assume that permission granted
time means that you automatically have permission to return. Situations change so you should
check in with the landowner regularly. Doing these things may very well lead to some great
fishing opportunities.