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Water Videos

True Source Water Stories

Tips on "Becoming The Solution To Water Pollution

True Source Water Stories

A Several interviews with people accross Tennessee who deal with source water protection on a daily basis.

Protecting the Source
A student using video conferencing technology finds out what it takes to keep our water sources safe from contamination. Video intended for grades 3 through 5.

Source Water Protection in Tennessee
A concise exploration of our water sources and what Tennesseans are doing to keep them safe. Video intended for grades 6 through 12..

Protección de las fuentes de agua en Tennessee

Una exploración concisa de nuestras fuentes de agua y lo que los
habitantes del estado de Tennessee estan haciendo para mantenerlas
seguras. Video para los años escolares 6 al 12.

Drops of Water in Oceans of Sand: Ground Water Resources of West TN
The sand aquifers of West Tennessee are valuable, high quality resources that are vulnerable to contamination. The public recognition of the threat to waters once thought to be immune from contamination is a crucial step in protecting water supply sources. This video provides a elementary overview of the sand aquifer settings of West Tennessee and their vulnerability to contamination. Video intended for 4th grade and above.

Gotas de agua en océanos de arena: Los recursos de agua subterránea del Oeste de Tennessee
Los mantos acuíferos del Oeste de Tennessee son un recurso valioso y de alta calidad vulnerables a la contaminación. Un punto crucial en la protección de estas fuentes de agua, que se creían inmunes a la contaminación, es que el público reconozca la amenaza a la que están expuestas. Este video nos ofrece una visión general, del estado de los mantos acuíferos del área oeste de Tennessee y su vulnerabilidad a la contaminación. Este video es apropiado para el 4o. grado de escuela elemental o grados superiores.

Hollow Ground: Land of Caverns, Sinkholes and Springs
Owing to the abundant karst (limestone areas characterized by caves, sinkholes and springs) in Middle and East Tennessee, it is critical for the general public to be made aware of the unique concerns of karst and the delicate balance that must be maintained if karst areas are to be protected from pollution. This video provides an elementary overview of the geologic conditions and environmental consequences of living in karst areas. Video intended for 4th grade and above.

Land Videos

Landfill Safety (20 minutes)

The video covers the basic procedures of how a landfill operator should protect himself from any hazards and problems at the landfill. The video presents a wide range of situations that occur at the landfill. The safety benefits are covered in order to protect the health and well-being of the landfill operator.