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Rule Chapter 1200-1-18 Lead-Based Paint Abatement, effective September 26, 2000, implements Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) Section 68-131-401 et seq., Part 4-Tennessee Lead-Based Paint Abatement Certification Act of 1997. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Solid Waste Management, are jointly administering this program in Tennessee until such time that Tennessee acquires state authorization to conduct it in lieu of EPA.

The Rule outlines procedures and requirements for accreditation of training programs, certification of professionals, and work practice standards for conducting lead-based paint abatement activities. The purpose is to ensure that individuals are properly trained and certified to conduct lead-based paint (LBP) activities in target housing and child-occupied facilities, using reliable, effective and safe work practice standards. Training programs are accredited to ensure that proper training is provided to LBP professionals regarding their being knowledgeable of and adhering to required standards. The regulations establish fees for testing, certification, accreditation, etc. and penalties for non-compliance. A 15-day Notification to the State is required prior to the commencement of target housing abatement projects.

For additional information, or to request an application to take the Commissioner’s Exam, or to become a certified LBP professional or to establish an accredited training program, recognized as acceptable to the Tennessee Program, call toll free: 1-888-771-LEAD. Alternatively, print, complete and mail in the "Request for Forms" document: